Honey pails 2.5 kg

Honey buckets 2,5 kg with handle, inside and outside gold lacquered with seam-cover.

Product number: 13200005

ab 2,71 € *
Packing Unit Amount / Packing Unit Price per piece Price / Packing Unit
box 34 3,17 € * 107,78 € *
pallet 480 2,71 € * 1.300,80 € *

* excl. tax, plus shipping

The classic honey pails – specially designed for packaging your liquid gold.

  • The honey buckets are inside and outside food-safe gold lacquered with seam-cover.
  • The weld points of the grommets and the weld seam of the pails are covered inside and outside.
  • Due to the included press-in lid the pails can be easily opened and closed by hand.
  • This container is made of tinplate (tinned sheet steel). Containers made of tinplate are not suitable for water-containing filling goods or moist storage/handling. Contact with water or moisture lead to rust.

Due to the different fillings on the market and their individual composition, we cannot confirm absolute suitability for respective fillings. It is the responsibility of the user/bottler of the packaging to determine and confirm the suitability for the respective filling in advance. The actual suitability of the chosen packaging can only be properly ascertained by performing your own preliminary tests. The specified range of use for this article represents a rough classification based on the legal requirements.


Material: Metal
Application: Food
Capacity category: 1 - 5 litre
Product type: Honey pails
Volume: 1.975 ml / approx. 2,5 kg honey
Exterior varnish: Gold
Interior varnish: Gold
Diameter: D1=125mm/D2=130mm
Opening: 130 mm
Height: 165 mm
Food safe: Yes
Dangerous goods approval: No
Stackable: No
Recycling codes: FE40

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* excl. tax, plus shipping

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